• Muranda Cheese Company - Business of the Year Award recipients

    Muranda Cheese Company

    We were pleased to be chosen to produce this years award videos for presentation at the Seneca County Chamber of Commerce annual dinner meeting. The event, “A Tribute to the Shining Stars of the Seneca County Chamber Community was held on January 19, 2018 at the Club 86 in Geneva. We worked closely with Chamber Director Jeff Shipley, in producing videos for the category winners. This video was used to introduce the Business of the Year recipient; Muranda Cheese Company.

  • Healing Field of Flags - May 25-30, 2006 - Waterloo, NY

    Celebrate Commemorate Memorial Day Committee

    The Healing Field Flag Memorial was a project of the Celebrate Commemorate Memorial Day Committee. It was the first of it's kind in New York State and will not soon be forgotten. There were 1,452 flags flown in honor of or in memory of loved ones. This recap preserves some of the highlights of the event that took place in Waterloo, NY - the Birthplace of Memorial Day. DVD copies of this event, which include more special features, are available from Duprey Video Productions. (www.DupreyVideo.com)

  • Celebrate Commemorate 2017 Highlights

    Celebrate Commemorate Memorial Day

    If you ever wondered what goes on in Waterloo, NY during Celebrate Commemorate Memorial Day - look no further! Enjoy these highlights taken between Thursday, May 25 and Tuesday, May 30, 2017. See below for chapter mark links for navigation. Featured are: the student creative expressions award assembly, the Henry C. Welles Award Reception @1:02, the Celebrate Parade @6:22, Arts & Crafts in the Park @14:39, the Civil War Encampment and featured impersonators @18:31, 5K Race @25:59, Wheels on Main Street Car Show @29:48, Veterans Bike Rally @37:05, and Military Services at the village cemeteries and at the former Main Street School @39:11

  • Seneca Falls & Clifton Springs Rotary Malawi Project

    Seneca Falls & Clifton Springs Rotary

    As part of Seneca Falls Rotary International, David & Melissa Markel began traveling to Malawi, Africa in 2008. We helped them create this video so they could "tell their story" even when you are not available for a presentation. If interested in supporting their humanitarian work in Malawi, please make contributions payable to: Seneca Falls Rotary Service Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 242, Seneca Falls, N.Y. 13148

  • Memorial Day Song & Video

    Memorial Day

    WATERLOO - Almost every holiday has its song - "White Christmas" and "Easter Parade" are classics. But somehow a song for Memorial Day has been missing. Until now. The song pays tribute to the "men who stood tall with pride", who met the call when duty beckoned and "all gave some, some gave all."

    Available for Purchase: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/thememorialdaysong

  • Finger Lakes Works With Their Hands 2017


    The purpose of this video is to help with recruiting efforts for new sponsors and students and to give them an overview of what the event entails. Fingerlakesworks.com

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